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Showing posts from January, 2013

Happy New Year!!

It seems quite natural to spend time during the holidays reflecting on the year, and of course the New Year brings new resolutions for our future.  I don't typically make a list of wishes or tasks that I am going to do (or give up) in the coming year,  I am one of those people who is more likely to start the clock to see how long it takes for me to cave in on my new resolutions.   But I did however come up with a goal for 2013 that I think will be helpful.  My goal is going to be far more intentional in 2013.  I have seen in so many areas of my life, spiritual, physical, and mental where I was swayed by the wind, or beat up by on out-of-control calendar.  So this year, my pledge isn't to lose a bunch of weight, though health will play a big factor in my year.  This year, I won't pledge to shred the credit cards, tackle my reading list, kick my bacon addiction or be a better Daddy, Husband, Brother, Uncle, Friend, etc..  In the Spring of 2012, ...