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Showing posts from July, 2013

Serendipity in Proctor, OK

If you have known me for very long, and if you read this blog then I assume you have, then you know that I have a strong connection to my late grandfather, Pa.  I am continually fascinated and inspired by the legacy and life left by John Elder Parker.  The fact that there are 3 generations of boys and men in our family named in his honor pays tribute to the strength of his legacy.  Earlier this month, my precious family packed up our camper and set out on what was to us, an epic adventure.  We have frequently camped for the weekend in the local state parks and campgrounds, but we had never ventured out of state in our camper.  For our 2013 Cornish Family Summer Vacation, we left home early on the morning of July 4th, arriving at Lake Tenkiller in Oklahoma in the late afternoon.  Lake Tenkiller is near Tahlequah, OK, and served as our basecamp while we visited Muskogee and Fort Gibson, Tahlequah, Proctor and Chewey, OK over the weekend.  I had urged m...

Reflections on my 20 Year High School Reunion

This past weekend, Brenda and I traveled to Houston to attend my 20 Year reunion. With a big, family vacation coming up, we took this opportunity to enjoy a kid-free weekend. It has been far too long since Brenda and I took such a trip. With our reunion planned as a single event on Saturday evening, we used the remainder of the weekend to reunite with other friends that we wouldn’t see at the high school reunion and some time to just enjoy each other’s company. I have to say, though it has been well stated before, without a doubt, I married up… way up. It is such a relief knowing that she gets along so well with, and enjoys the company of my closest, life-long friends. It is amazing to me how much growth occurs during the 4 year span of high school. You arrive for a freshman year, as a 14-15 year old kid, awkward in your own skin. And at graduation, you have likely made the first of many decisions that will shape who will be as a person. Whether it was going off to college, trade sch...