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Showing posts from December, 2013

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

I suppose it is normal for the days and weeks to pass more quickly as we get older.  There are so many more times now that I wish I could push the pause button and just enjoy the now.  It seems like when you are a kid, you are always anxiously awaiting the next major milestone or event.  You can't wait for Christmas, you can't wait for Spring Break, you can't wait for that first day that the neighborhood pool is open.  You can't wait to turn 16, then 18, then 21, then 25.  You can't wait to find that special person, to get to that special day.  You can't wait to hear that first heartbeat, the first breath and then the first words.  I suppose that I am still anxiously looking forward to plenty of things, but I am also realizing that I wish I could back things up just a bit.  I find myself looking back and longing for that relaxing Thanksgiving, for a bit longer to float down that river, for that guy's weekend when we did NOTHING.  You know...