Pumpkin decorating, Sesame Street friends, Shamu and friends, and trick or treating in the neighborhood. That pretty well sums up our Halloween family weekend. Gram and Grandad took the girls to the pumpkin patch earlier this week. They each came home with little bitty pumpkins to decorate. The intense focus they had as they colored on their pumpkins absolutely cracks me up. They are too, too precious.
Friday night, we told the girls we needed to get to bed early because we were going to have a full day on Saturday. On Saturday morning, we had two pretty sleepy (and a bit grumpy) girls who weren’t too into our “big day” planned. Their frowns quickly turned around when I asked them if they wanted to start our day at the donut shop for some kolaches (and sprinkle donuts for the girls). Then, we told them we needed to load up in the truck for a long drive to see “some friends”. They had no clue that we were on our way to San Antonio to go back to Sea World for our third visit (and fifth full day in the park) of the year.
So finally on Halloween, it was time to put on the costumes and see how much candy the cutest little blonde Minnie Mouse and Dr. Grace could put into their little pails. They had fun hitting up all our neighbors and took a lot of pride in telling everyone who they were dressed up as. Gram came over to have pizza with us and man the front porch handing out candy while we were out trick or treating. It was a fun Halloween and the girls will both be getting lots of wear out of their costumes.