On January 12, 2010 an earthquake literally shook an entire nation to pieces. The outpour of support, aid and assistance from all over the world has been awe-inspiring, but 2 years later, the Haitian people are still rebuilding. While buildings and man-made creations remain scarred and damaged, the true foundation, the spirit of the Haitians is stronger today than ever. Over the last 2 years, my church community at Hill Country Bible Church has forged an amazing relationship with Mission of Hope, partnering to provide medical services and orphan care. As time has carried us further from the disaster of 2010, we now have the opportunity to move beyond crisis care, and into a place where we can help Mission of Hope expand their services, and to provide more fully for the spiritual, physical and emotional needs of an entire generation of Haitians.
I am excited to join in this mission as well. On March 31st, 2012, I will join a team from our Men’s Ministry (www.hcbc.com) for a short-term mission trip to Haiti. We will be working with Mission of Hope (www.mohhaiti.org) for several days, serving through constructing homes, ministering to orphans, and working alongside the Haitian people. We will also help a missional business launched by some guys from Austin with some work they need done as well (www.toplinematerials.com).
Would you please consider supporting me on this mission? There are several ways you can participate. First, your prayers are vital to the success of this trip. Not only prayers to cover our journey, our work and our time, but also prayers to cover and bless our families as we are away. Second, we are looking for financial support. The cost of this trip will be approximately $1500 per person. It is my firm belief that God blesses the gift and the giver, so if you are in a position to support us through a one-time donation – and every gift is valuable and appreciated, I am confident God has a blessing for that! If you can provide financially, Hill Country Bible Church has made it as convenient as possible to receive your gift. You can use this link to either provide payment by check, debit or credit card http://global.hcbc.com/give-online. On the website, you will see a dropdown of all the upcoming mission trips planned at HCBC, please select “Haiti Men’s Construction and BAM”. You can also stop by the church and drop off a check there if you would like. If you write a check to mail or drop by the church, please indicate in the Memo line that your check is for the Haiti Mission Trip and the name of who you are supporting.
Please let me know if there are questions I can help answer for you. Upon returning, I will be happy to provide an update on our trip and share with you what we were able to accomplish. Thank you for your prayers and support!