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Showing posts from May, 2016

Ready for Launch!!

I have asked myself several times over the last few months what the heck I was thinking. Back in January, I said "yes" to the Global Outreach office at our church. Yes meant that I was willing to lead a short-term mission trip to Mission of Hope Haiti. At the time, I envisioned a father/daughter mission trip. I pictured 8-10 dads and their girls, ranging from elementary to high school ages. I imagined an awesome bonding opportunity for the girls as older girls spoke into the hearts of the younger, and dads commiserating and learning how to deal with the ages to come. Cute. Fast forward to March and I find out that rather than dads and daughters, I will be leading a team of teenagers. This is a whole new level of crazy!!   Here we are, about a week and a half from our departure to Haiti. I've got a great team of kids and I am genuinely excited to have the chance to get to know each of them. I am certain that this is the right trip, with the right team. By now, we have...

Grace and Sean Heading to Haiti!

“Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.”   This verse from 1 Corinthians 11:1 seems simple enough. It’s a calling that says that each of us are capable of leading another, as long as our focus is the example that Christ set. I can think of no clearer calling for a parent than to set an example for their children in the way that we want them to grow.   Grace and I have accepted a unique opportunity to lead a team of students on a short-term mission trip, under the guidance of Hill Country Bible Church. For our journey, we will partner with Mission of Hope Haiti and focus on the village of Simonette, north of the capital city, Port Au Prince. To learn more about Mission of Hope Haiti, please check their website: . For me, this will be my second short-term mission trip with Mission of Hope Haiti, and an extension of my service with this incredible organization over the last four years. For Grace, this will be a journey of “firsts”. Thi...